Journal Publications / Preprints
bold = member of Ab Initio Simulations Lab, * = corresponding author
S. Sharma, C. Wang, H.M. Yu and A.S. Banerjee* (2024): Electronic States and Mechanical Behaviors of Phosphorus Carbide Nanotubes — Structural and Quantum Phase Transitions in a Quasi-one-dimensional Material (submitted)
S. Sharma and A.S. Banerjee* (2024): Strain induced topological phase transitions in split and line
graphs of bipartite lattices featuring flat bands (submitted)
S. Pathrudkar, S. Taylor, A. Keripale, A. S. Gangan, P. Thiagarajan, S. Agarwal, J. Marian, S. Ghosh and A. S. Banerjee* (2024): Electronic structure prediction of medium and high entropy alloys across composition space (submitted); arXiv Link
S. Pathrudkar, P. Thiagarajan, S. Agarwal, A.S. Banerjee* and S. Ghosh (2024): Electronic Structure Prediction of Multi-million Atom Systems Through Uncertainty Quantification Enabled Transfer Learning; npj Computational Materials, Volume 10, 175 [.pdf] (Supplementary Information [.pdf])
Md. T. Ahmed, C. Wang, A.S. Banerjee and N. Admal (2024): Bicrystallography-informed Frenkel-Kontorova model for interlayer dislocations in strained 2D heterostructures; Mechanics of Materials, Volume 190, 104903 [.pdf]
H. M. Yu, S. Sharma, S. Agarwal, O. Liebman and A.S. Banerjee* (2023): Carbon Kagome Nanotubes --- quasi-one-dimensional nanostructures with flat bands; RSC Advances, 2024, 14, 963-981 [.pdf]
S. Agarwal and A.S. Banerjee* (2023): Solution of the Schrödinger equation for quasi-one-dimensional materials using helical waves; Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 496, 112551 [.pdf]
S. Agarwal, D. R. Kattnig, C. D. Aiello and A.S. Banerjee* (2023): The Biological Qubit: Calcium Phosphate Dimers, not Trimers; The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; 14, 2518–2525 [.pdf] (Supporting Information [.pdf])
S. Pathrudkar, H. M. Yu, S. Ghosh and A.S. Banerjee* (2022): Machine learning based prediction of the electronic structure of quasi-one-dimensional materials under strain; Physical Review B; Volume 105 (No. 19), 195141 [.pdf]
C. D. Aiello, M. Abbas, J. Abendroth, A. Afanasev, S. Agarwal, A. S. Banerjee, D. Beratan, J. Belling, et al. (2022): A Chirality-Based Quantum Leap: A Forward-Looking Review; ACS Nano, 16, 4, 4989–5035 (Editor's Choice Article) [.pdf]
H. M. Yu and A.S. Banerjee* (2022): Density functional theory method for twisted geometries with application to torsional deformations in group-IV nanotubes; Journal of Computational Physics; Volume 456, 111023 [.pdf]
S. Agarwal, C. D. Aiello, D. R. Kattnig, and A.S. Banerjee* (2021): The Dynamical Ensemble of the Posner Molecule is not Symmetric; The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; 12, 10372-10379 [.pdf] (Supporting Information [.pdf])
A.S. Banerjee* (2021): Ab initio framework for systems with helical symmetry: theory, numerical implementation and applications to torsional deformations in nanostructures; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Volume 154, 104515 [.pdf]
S. Ghosh, A.S. Banerjee and P. Suryanarayana (2019): Symmetry-adapted real-space density functional theory for cylindrical geometries: Application to large group-IV nanotubes; Physical Review B; Volume 100 (Issue 12), 125143. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee*, L. Lin, P. Suryanarayana, C. Yang and J.E. Pask (2018): Two-level Chebyshev filter based complementary subspace method: pushing the envelope of large-scale electronic structure calculations; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation; Volume 14 (6), Pages 2930–2946. [.pdf]
W. Hu, L. Lin, A.S. Banerjee, E. Vecharynski and C. Yang (2017): Adaptively Compressed Exchange Operator for Large Scale Hybrid Density Functional Calculations with Applications to the Adsorption of Water on Silicene; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation; Volume 13 (3), Pages 1188–1198. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee, L. Lin, W. Hu, C. Yang and J.E. Pask (2016): Chebyshev polynomial filtered subspace iteration in the Discontinuous Galerkin method for large-scale electronic structure calculations; The Journal of Chemical Physics; Volume 145 (15), 154101. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee and P. Suryanarayana (2016): Cyclic Density Functional Theory : A route to the first principles simulation of bending in nanostructures; Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids; Volume 96, Pages 605–631. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee, P. Suryanarayana and J.E. Pask (2016): Periodic Pulay method for robust and efficient convergence acceleration of self-consistent field iterations; Chemical Physics Letters; Volume 647, Pages 31–35. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee, R. S. Elliott and R. D. James (2015): A spectral scheme for Kohn-Sham density functional theory of clusters; Journal of Computational Physics; Volume 287, Pages 226–253. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee, A.C. Mandal and J. Dey (2006): Particle image velocimetry studies of an incipient spot in the Blasius boundary layer; Experiments in Fluids; Volume 40 (6), Pages 928–941. [.pdf]
Other Technical Writing / Theses
A.S. Banerjee: Density Functional Methods for Objective Structures: Theory and Simulation Schemes; Ph.D. Thesis; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. [.pdf]
A.S. Banerjee: Harmonic analysis on isometry groups of Objective Structures and its applications to Objective Density Functional Theory; M.S. Thesis; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
​​A.S. Banerjee: Introductory notes on Center Manifold Theory. [.pdf] (Developed as part of a class on Elastic Stability.)
A.S. Banerjee: Numerical simulation studies on cavity flows; Undergraduate Thesis; Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India .